About Olivia Boucher & Resume
Liv Local, Be Social.
About Me
I graduated from Ohio University with a Bachelor of Arts in Communication. After graduation, I returned to my hometown of Granville, Ohio, and bought one of my childhood homes in the village. I have worked for many national brands over the years, but the long drives to work were always worth it to live in my hometown.
My passion for my small community has grown with age. I love spending my time working with local brands to help spread brand awareness throughout the community. There are so many wonderful local businesses that deserve the attention and local love of the community. I enjoy being the local business hype queen and shouting brands' products/services from the rooftops.
Social media strategy
Social graphic design
Content publishing on Facebook/Instagram/Stories/Reels
Event content creation including video and Facebook Lives
Community management
Content resharing
Event Photography
New Website Coming 2025
New Website Coming 2025
New Website Coming 2025
New Website Coming 2025
Website creation and design
Brand development and client consultation
SEO optimization for the redesigned site
Mobile optimization
Created Invoicing System for Client
Demonstrated the site's backend user experience to the client for post-project maintenance
Assisted in developing page copy
Website creation and design
Brand development and client consultation
Mobile & SEO optimization of the site
Utilized Acuity Scheduling for Client Service Scheduling
Created Invoicing System for Client
Set Up Automatic SMS Appointment Reminders
Demo’d site backend user experience for client to maintain on their own post-project
Assisted in copy development for pages
Brand development and client consultation
SEO optimization for the redesigned site
Mobile optimization
Demonstrated the site's backend user experience to the client for post-project maintenance
Assisted in developing page copy
Designed newsletter email templates tailored to customers' needs
Brand development and sounding board for client
SEO optimization of the site
Mobile Optimization
Demo’d site backend user experience for client to maintain on their own post-project
Assisted in copy development for pages
Set up Facebook and Instagram for client
Scheduled initial posts to get the brand started on social media
Delivered Social Media Strategy Doc to assist the client with social post basics
Social media strategy
Content publishing on Instagram/Stories/Reels
Optimizing the site for SEO during the redesign process
Ensuring mobile optimization
Incorporating a photography-first approach to ensure rich digital content in site design
Organized Google Drive of all site elements, copy, and photography
Demonstrated the redesigned user experience for the client, enabling them to manage it independently after the project
Delivered email templates focused on the brand's core themes
Social Media Reel Publishing (Insta & TT)
Copy Ideation and Publishing
Calendar planning
Content Scheduling and Publishing
Ad creation
SM content resharing
Content creation
Social media content publishing on Facebook/Instagram/Stories/Reels
Content resharing
Hashtag tracking
Assisted in look and feel the development of site rebrand
Demo’d redesign user experience for client to maintain on their own post-project
Reorganized site for a easier UX experience
Updated site version for ease of client use
SEO optimization of the site redesign
Assisted in look and feel the development of site rebrand
Demo’d redesign user experience for client to maintain on their own post-project
Assisted in copy development for pages
Social media strategy
Social graphic design
Content publishing on Facebook/Instagram/Stories/Reels
Facebook event creation
Community management
Content resharing
Email campaigns
Website building
Blog content creation
Social media strategy
Content creation
Event content creation
Content publishing on Facebook/Instagram
Ad creation
Community management
Content resharing
Influencer marketing strategy & execution
Hashtag tracking
Social ad tracking
Monthly reporting
Social media strategy
Campaign strategy & optimization
Content development
Content publishing
Editorial calendars supporting marketing initiatives
Influencer/Ambassador campaign strategy
Social media reporting
Track and monitor competitive social media activity
Influencer management
Managed all aspects of channels, including editorial calendars, content development, publishing, engagement, and reporting
Oversaw and launched Anchor Hocking and Oneida Limited onto various social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Developed a visual look and feel of the relaunch of Oneida.com
Communicated brand value to consumers.
Visual and creative strategy behind brand digital marketing including email, web, and social
Ensured rich digital content through close partnership with the creative team
Oversaw Victoria's Secret Sport Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
Social publishing strategy and guide content development
Managed weekly KPI reporting
Local and national event strategy from ideation and execution, touching every aspect, including pre-event marketing, staffing, social elements, marketing collateral, and post-event hindsight
Maintained Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and email accounts
Launched company Instagram account
Maintained .com homepage and landing pages using html
Worked with schedules for Product Email Launches
Worked with Excel to develop competitor patterning
Created multiple lists of contest winners weekly from Facebook
Located defects on .com and test site